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Snakes in Sri Lanka: Fascinating guests at the resort and how to deal with them in a relaxed manner

The south of Sri Lanka is known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests and historical sites. In addition to these attractions, there is also a fascinating world of snakes. For many visitors to Sri Lanka, however, snakes can cause fear and uncertainty, especially if they appear unexpectedly at the resort.

In this blog post, I want to take away your fear of these animals and show you how our resort is prepared to offer you a safe and unforgettable experience.

Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) in Ebonys Garden
Krait (Bungarus caeruleus)

The diversity of snakes

Sri Lanka is home to over 100 species of snake, the majority of which can be found in the south of the island. The variety of species ranges from harmless adders to dangerous vipers and cobra species. Here are some of the most notable snake species found in this region:

  • Indian cobra (Naja naja): This iconic snake, known for its striking hood, is common throughout Sri Lanka. The Indian cobra is venomous and should be handled with care, but it also plays an important role in the ecosystem as a hunter of rodents.

  • Russell's Viper (Daboia russelii): One of the most dangerous snakes in Sri Lanka, known for its aggressive behaviour and strong venom. The Russell's Viper is commonly found in agricultural areas and poses a significant threat to humans.

  • Green tree snake (Ahaetulla nasuta): This harmless snake is easily recognised by its slender shape and bright green colour. It lives mainly in trees and feeds on small lizards and frogs.

  • Krait (Bungarus caeruleus): The krait is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. Despite their dangerous nature, krait bites are rare as they are nocturnal and avoid contact with humans.

  • Sri Lanka cat-eye snake (Boiga ceylonensis): This beautiful and nocturnal snake is easily recognised by its large eyes and brown-yellow pattern. It is not very aggressive and prefers to live in forests and plantations.

Visiting the resort: a special kind of guest

Our resort, Ebony Boutique Villa, is located amidst the natural beauty of the south of Sri Lanka, in Ahangama, and offers a perfect balance between comfort and nature experience. Thanks to our proximity to lush forests, rice paddies and natural habitats, snakes do occasionally visit us. These encounters are mostly harmless and offer you the unique opportunity to experience Sri Lanka's impressive fauna up close.

Our security and information measures

We have taken various measures at Ebony Boutique Villa so that you can enjoy your stay without any worries:

  • Guest education: On arrival, if you wish, you will receive helpful tips on how to deal with potential encounters to help you overcome any fears you may have.

  • Trained staff: If you see a snake, our staff will safely remove it and return it to its natural habitat. They are always available for questions and support.

  • Regular inspections: Our resort is regularly inspected and maintained to ensure the grounds remain free of potential hiding places for snakes. This significantly minimises the risk of unexpected encounters.

  • Safe environment: Our rooms are designed to provide no hiding places for snakes.

Overcome your fear of snakes in Sri Lanka

Many people have an innate fear of snakes, often due to ignorance and misunderstanding. Here are some tips to reduce your fear:

  • Inform yourself: Knowledge is power. The more you know about snakes, the less threatening they appear. Understand that most snakes are harmless and avoid humans.

  • Keep calm: If you encounter a snake, stay calm and don't make any sudden movements. Snakes rarely attack unless they feel threatened.

  • Respect their space: Give snakes their space and avoid harassing or provoking them. Watch them from a safe distance.

  • Take safety measures: Wear appropriate clothing and use a torch when walking at night to avoid unwanted encounters.


The south of Sri Lanka offers an impressive variety of snake species that are both fascinating and awe-inspiring. These reptiles play an indispensable role in the local ecosystems and deserve our protection and respect. Through education and simple precautions, your fear of snakes can be minimised so that you can enjoy your stay in this beautiful region without worry. Ebony Boutique Villa shows how to coexist harmoniously with nature while providing a safe environment for its guests.

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